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A little something to explain my absence.

Yes, yes I knowwww. School is eating up my time -- all of it. I hope you get it. But just in case you don't, here's a little something for you:


Every New Semester:

After First Week:

After Second Week:

Before the Mid-Term Test:

During the Mid-Term Test:

After the Mid-Term Test:

Before the Final Exams:

Once Get to Know the Final Exam Schedule:

7 Days Before the Final Exam:

6 Days Before the Final Exam:

5 Days Before the Final Exam:

4 Days Before the Final Exam:

3 Days Before the Final Exam:

2 Days Before the Final Exam:

1 Day Before the Final Exam:

The Night Before the Final Exam:

1 Hour Before the Final Exam:

During the Final Exam:

Once Walk Out From the Examination Hall:

After the Final Exam, During the Holiday:

It's February! I think I hear sneers and see some eye-rolling. Haha. I don't really want to be such a Valentine Grinch, so I'm gonna share with you what keeps me all perky and hyped up these days. I got myself a chur-chur! :P :P So go ahead, why don't you just go ahead and get yourself a crush if you're single? TRUST ME (and all of us from CrEngg), it's the beeeeest way to keep you awake and excited! Crushes give you a natural high -- kapag binati ka, woooh kilig levels go beyond the roof! :"> Masarap chumur-chur! Yeah, let's feel the.. love? :P

Happy Churchur Month! :)
