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And she will be loved.

It's been almost three years, and yet I've never seen him play live.

Except for that one time we played RockBand Beatles at our house, and he dutifully assumed the role of Ringo while I played Paul and George and John alternately. And even though unsurprisingly he got an almost perfect score on the difficult level, it just was not the same. Tapping on plastic circular pads did not give him the satisfaction of actually playing for me, which he had always wanted to do, since I play the piano for him when he visits me at home.

And then we had Saturday.

It wasn't at all planned - we just watched Deadpool and wanted to have a nice, quick dinner after - and yet every single part of me felt like things just fell into place and happened at the right time for the right reasons. It just had to happen now, right before the 14th of February, at this particular time in our lives, where things have changed (including ourselves), yet certainties feel the same and affirmations ring truer.

Over dinner, in the middle of having our unlimited order of meat, he went up on stage with the live band and played songs I didn't expect but have always loved, songs that I've never considered ours but have now laid claim on us. And what a sight to behold: this boy, whom I only used to admire from afar, this boy, who surrenders himself to the rhythm, the way the heart surrenders to its own beat. This boy.

Whatever words I say, I will always love you.
