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Signs of life

Man, it's been a while.


Hello. So I'm still alive. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote, although I'm not sure if all that has passed is really worth recapping. What's there to tell you anyway? Not much. Basically, the gist of the last year or so was this: I was holed up in a room and studying.

Now I'm out of that room, but inside another room, and working.

Life is funny sometimes. If you asked me four years ago, "Is this where you imagined yourself to be?" the answer is both yes and no. Yes, because of course I was expecting to be employed by this time, after having taken a break post-exam. But also, no, I had no idea I'd be doing this, working for a practice I genuinely enjoy. Who knew there's a place for me in this world after all?


I miss writing. Let's get this thing going again.
