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Lightning strikes every time she moves

The OCJ JARIP Interns with Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes P.A. Sereno

Didn't think I'd ever actually appropriate a Calvin Harris/Rhianna song to my feelings about my two-month stint at the Office of the Chief Justice. But, well, there you go. When you work for her, you can't help but feel that this person is so influential and so certain in her resolve that there's no way you can look away. You just have to watch her move, because she's amazing. And when you do, she looks right back: calling you out, guiding you, making you feel like you're really doing something for the country.

It was such an honor to have worked under the guidance of this brilliant, inspiring, and dedicated public servant. Thank you for opening our eyes to the importance of judicial reform and service, Chief. In a country full of uncertainties, you remain a guiding light, a driving force. :)


