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Filed under: How to keep yourself entertained while studying 27 cases for Tax

"The power to tax is the power to destroy."

- Chief Justice John Marshall, in McCulloch v. Maryland

"The power to tax is not the power to destroy while the Court sits."

- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, in Panhandle Oil Co. v. Mississippi

"The power to love is the power to make whole again."

- Karla Bernardo, in Karla v. the feeling of overwhelming sleepiness while reading for Taxation 1




Things to be happy about today

(1) Ludwin surprised me with something today: a Dymo label-maker! IN PINK! 

Label-making happinesssssss!

People closest to me know that the way to my heart is really through school & office supplies. And boy, did he give me the ultimate school supply to shame all school supplies! A little background: As a kid, I grew up incredibly fascinated with my aunt's blue Dymo label-maker. But since it was considered a "grown-up" gadget, it wasn't something I could really play with. I remember telling this to Ludwin a few months back, but I didn't actually think he would go out of his way to look for one, let alone buy me one for no occasion at all! Not our anniversary, no big fight  nothing. He said he just really wanted to give me this, partly to motivate me for school, but mostly because he wanted to make the little 6-year-old in me really happy. Folks, I am not a usually cheesy person, but I am telling you: This. Booooy. :)

The Caption-Maker (as it is now apparently called) comes with three wheels: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and cursive. And it even comes with a matching pouch! How incredibly cute! Can you feel my giddiness?? I've just finished labeling my Rules of Court. All the other codals are up next :D #geeeeky

Thank you, Louie! You're awesomesauce, as always.

(2) Dingdong proposed to Marian on live television!

(Photo from GMA News)

It was only in law school that I had the guts to come out of my secretly-jologs closet: I like keeping myself updated with local showbiz news. I found a soulmate in Clarisse, my law school best friend. It's become our little hobby / official sport to visit entertainment blogs and take a shot at guessing the blind items. This is not without merit though - we do learn a lot from it, especially when these celebrities get embroiled in legal disputes! Sarah Lahbati, Claudine & Raymart, Zoren & Carmina, James & Kris... the list goes on. Their lives are crazy, yes, but they're ripe with opportunities to test ourselves with the law, too. #justification

But really, we're just suckers for romance and baduy-kilig feels. And #DongYan is our ultimate OTP! You can say what you want about Marian, but that girl is beautiful! Her underarms are soooo putiiiii! Her IG feed is always so positive, and inspiring, too. (Jologs emerging! I repeat: jologs emerging!!) I love that she always posts pictures when she visits old churches, and pays tribute to Mama Mary. It's evident how deep her faith in God is, and it shows in the love she shares with her family, friends, fans and Dong. And also: HAVE YOU SEEN HER KILI-KILI! Sobrang idol lang talaga :)) 

So, really, we could not be any happier that these two are finally engaged! I was texting Clarisse like crazy when I caught the proposal live on her show. Grabe, I think the two of us have to go out and celebrate! 

(3) UP wins its first game in two-years! 

#UPBonfire! #UPFight! #UPFought!
(Photo from Robert Mano)

Need I say more? It's funny how small victories can bring an entire community together. There's nothing like the school spirit of UP. May halong humor, self-deprecation, and above all, heart. Puso. Laban. 

I may not be able to go (because readings, huhu) but you can't question my love. Congrats, UP MBT! One game at a time! 


What today is: Proof that nothing — NOTHING  is impossible.




Week 1, completed: GPOY Friday

Today marks the end of my first week back in law school, so allow me to say hello before I head off to UP . Doing this because (1) I made a promise to my mom that I'll take a picture of this top we bought last week, (2) the light in my room this morning is just too pretty, and (3) this is probably the last time I'll look this fresh and pleasant this semester.

Give me a day or two tops, and Haggardo Versoza na ulit ako. I guarantee it.

Woohoo! Oh, Malcolm.


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So that was summer

It's 11:35 pm, my first night back in Katipunan, with the rain pouring quite heavily outside, and somehow a part of me still can't believe that (that four-month) summer is over. Bakit ang bilis? D:

The last four months have been great  I've spent a lot of time with my family, met up with friends I haven't been seeing, learned a lot while working in a law firm, discovered what my mind and body were truly capable of, and rekindled my faith. I read a lot, and I wrote even more. I've traveled, and stayed put. Prayed, and gotten answered. Believed, and came out better.

I'm happy for the summer that was. It really was the kind of break I truly needed, and yes, deserved.


I just finished re-arranging my bookshelves and organizing my (new) study table - you know, the usual pre-war rituals I have to do in order to wean my way back into the academic groove. There's a certain kind of pleasure derived from cleaning out the old, and making space for something new. As messy as I am, I also get a thrill out of seeing my clutter, well, de-cluttered. I like seeing everything clean, and the fact that it was actually myself that put everything in place. Organizing my law school stuff makes me feel like I'm in control of my life in law school, at least momentarily. And it's a great feeling. It's a rush I look forward to; it's a rush I don't always get. 

In the midst of all the organizing though, I came across my undergraduate thesis and some old notebooks from a few years ago. As much as I miss (and love) college though, I'm surprised to find myself glad that all that is over. I was so young then, and at times, still so naive (naive because I didn't actually realize how naive I was. Ha.) There was still so much to learn — about sacrifice, and fulfillment, and love. Marred as I am by whatever life has thus far thrown me, I'm actually pleased to know that I came out unscathed, and I'd like to believe, a little wiser. There are things only struggle and time can teach you; and I've come to know now that wisdom is often a better gift than innocent joy.




A postcard from (120) Days of Summer

Borawan Island, May 2014

It's been marvelous, summer. How I'll miss you so.


