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Why you might want to buy the Inquirer today

I found out last night from a friend who works at the Inquirer that an article of mine is to be published today on Youngblood. I actually did not believe it at first because I could not remember if I submitted anything recently. And then he told me to check the website that midnight, and to expect something at the newsstands this morning.

I have actually posted this essay on this blog a few months before, prior to graduation. It's a piece that I included in my undergraduate thesis, and I now remember that I sent it to Youngblood after having it written it some time last semester. I wasn't expecting anything out of it, really, I just felt like putting it out there I suppose.

And now, there it is. With my name on the byline. This is the first time I get to be published on a national daily - and that is why I'm absolutely thrilled! :3 My family from both sides rushed to get several copies, actually! It's true what they say, that no matter how many times a work of yours gets published anywhere, on paper or on the Web, there will always be that rush.

Here's to great beginnings and great places.

"The familiar shades of green and gray welcomed me as the jeep took a right to the Acad Oval that I have always called my own. The sun said hello in between the leaves’ shadows that hit my legs, and it was as comforting as always. Despite the frantic rush that this campus thrives in every day, there is always a quiet reassurance that greets me once I catch a glimpse of its lush trees and its people. This was how it felt like when I was a soon-to-be freshman. And this is the way it has been since, myself looking on with much calm as the greenness of the university embraces me..."

- from Postcard from Diliman, Youngblood. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Tuesday, May 29, 2012.


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