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The Kids Are All RIght.

I just finished watching this movie and right now I am just so moved, touched, and really emotional. It's just such a bittersweet, sincere and unapologetically honest way of looking at a family- a modern family, at that- but regardless, a normal one with typical issues and quirks. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore make such a cute, believable couple that it kind of makes you forget they're actually a lesbian couple because of how natural the family dynamic presented was.

Okay, allow me to digress here for a bit. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone, but can I just say that Annette Bening covering Joni Mitchell's "All I Want" in one scene was enough to give me the goosebumps and the waterworks. It's just the way I've always imagined the song being sung in an actual context inside my head- so true, so painful, so real. I really had to pause the film and let myself reach to my box of tissues after those tender, blissful two minutes.

I know Natalie Portman and The King's Speech or The Social Network would probably be getting the Oscars (based on the predictions I've read) but this movie deserves to be recognized for the quiet, moving honesty it tells. It's a must watch, I tell you. One of my favorites now, actually.

And really, any movie that proclaims great love for Joni, and particularly the album Blue, gets an A+ from me. That alone just made this movie priceless.

Oh I hate you some, I hate you some
I love you some
Oh I love you when I forget about me
